Yes but the Arthurian myths are still popular and Watchtower is Camelot Plus.
They've only got to fiddle around with the name of a king. Both Jesus and Arthur have got 'U's in them so that's a handy starting point.
this topics get a great deal of discussion here.
what i find interesting is even some of my pimi family is embracing the reality that all is not well with and that many current jws are just going through the motions due to not having a good way out of the org.
wondering what could realistically lead to the collapse of in the not distant future?
Yes but the Arthurian myths are still popular and Watchtower is Camelot Plus.
They've only got to fiddle around with the name of a king. Both Jesus and Arthur have got 'U's in them so that's a handy starting point.
so i have heard this 120 preaching time and 2034 end date.
are they pushing another set time of is this something someone else came up with?.
here is a screenshot from a video on
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
Oh dear Belisem - is that really Jesus on the door-to-door work with no bag? Tut, tut. Where is his literature?
You know what the disciple is doing standing next to Jesus? He is reading the householder's body language to assess whether he is interested or not. Is it worth Jesus doing a return visit? Jesus will discuss this with the disciple after the call.
Evidently the ministry was still in it's early stages. Since those times much progress has been made which is why brothers now shave their beards before taking part in the work and they no longer go out wearing dresses.
I'm looking forward to the pictures of the disciples using their tablets and mobile devices.
so i have heard this 120 preaching time and 2034 end date.
are they pushing another set time of is this something someone else came up with?.
Watchtower No 2 2020
What Is God's Kingdom
Page 9 - item 1
'1914... a turning point in history'
Awake No 1 2019
Will We Ever Feel Safe and Secure
Page 12 para 3 When Will God's Kingdom Come?
'1914 is the great turning point'
so i have heard this 120 preaching time and 2034 end date.
are they pushing another set time of is this something someone else came up with?.
so i have heard this 120 preaching time and 2034 end date.
are they pushing another set time of is this something someone else came up with?.
The Watchtower teaches that mankind is living both before and after Armageddon. The way individuals perceive information is used to manage them.
A non-date related example is that a man can be appointed as an elder, despite serious wrong-doing (for which he does not have to be sorry) so long as he makes the right noises to the other elders and no one in the congregation is talking about it.
more proof of god's backing!.
on friday, april 19, 2019 .
a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the memorial of jesus’ death.
more proof of god's backing!.
on friday, april 19, 2019 .
a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the memorial of jesus’ death.
Pistolpete if you read all of Matt 24 to them and tell them it is the truth, they will just say 'no it is not because it came out of your mouth.'
You see it must come from the right channel. Therefore, if it not in the Watchtower, read by someone who, however immoral, is in good standing, then it is not the 'truth.'
Also their 'truth' has a use by date on it. About 0.5 of a nano second after it has been uttered. Then it becomes old light which may or may not be part of God's (for God's read GB's) purpose depending on how useful it is to them looking backwards.
So... if they say it's a miracle... tomorrow they might say that was old light and it was all God's fault for misleading them.
more proof of god's backing!.
on friday, april 19, 2019 .
a crowd of 20,919,041 gathered to observe the memorial of jesus’ death.
Or - they consider the door to the ark is being sealed shut and no one else can come in. So they expecting no further increase - maybe?
(back in the old days) .
no home was without a gigantic king james bible.
families diligently read bible verses every day.